Miwu – Visual Identity

MIWU – Make It With Us is a music press and media agency focused on emerging artists. The aim of this amazing team is to support and follow budding artists in building their career as the best of friends would do.

Miwu’s tone of voice is friendly and reassuring, the overall mood is an evening with friends on the couch. The logo seems in constant motion, like the unstoppable team and the music that underpins everything.

The red thread through the whole identity is the sticker. With simple graphics and vibrant colors, this element is conceived as a proper sticker to place on every official communication of the page to easily convey the three main types of news to be shared with the public: the welcoming of a new artist in the roster, the release of a new piece, any news concerning the career of one of the artists of the MIWU family (tour dates, interviews, announcements, etc). 

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